The Good Light On: 7 Codes from Mama Ayahuasca

We recently rebranded a beautiful ayahuasca farm at Everly Agency, so my own journey with the leaves and vine has been on my mind. While aya may not be for everyone, I do believe there are universal codes for living here. XO. —Lyric

UPDATE: we’ve created a partnership to help you dance with AyaDose. Use code EVERLY20 to save 20% at

The year was 2020. Up until that point, I’d never tried any psychedelics. My first would be the grandmother spirit, Ayahuasca, one of the most potent plant medicines for personal transformation.

Aya is referred to as mama or grandma because she’s often experienced as a feminine energy who teaches and heals, but will give you that torrential tough love when she needs to get through to you.

Everyone’s individual experience is different, but many report having mystical visions, spiritual revelations regarding their purpose on earth, the true nature of the universe, and deep insight into how to be the best person they can possibly be. There are profound studies where people have healed from addiction, depression, and personal trauma. I know some of these people personally.

Needless to say, it’s a trip. One I now believe could benefit many.

There’s a reason so many powerful people have sipped.

I’ll share my personal experience, lessons/outcomes, a waitlist invitation, and some resources for you to explore below…

The Opening

I’m pretty conscious when it comes to what I put in my body. No soda, no big pharma, I’ve never smoked a cigarette, and have never tried cocaine — practically a miracle after a decade in LA!

Needless to say, choosing to drink the Amazonian brew was a big decision for me. I used to judge others for doing it, but after some major life changes and several years of deep personal development, it felt like I needed to go deeper. Like my soul was reaching for more.

“As the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

I watched DMT: The Spirit Molecule on a first date and it planted a seed. Then I found myself continuously connecting with people who just happened to have had profound transformations from their journey in the jungle. I watched documentaries, read stories, and researched other plant medicines to see if aya was really the one speaking to me.

I still had many questions, but I was listening. I was opening…

Adventure Ahead

While I was getting Everly Landing setup as an Airbnb out near Joshua Tree, some friends in LA sent me a bottle of red, saying they had a vision of me sipping wine in the dez. I was moved by the gesture and we reconnected. Soon after, they shared they were taking a group to Costa Rica for an ayahuasca journey.

It was a gut feeling YES for me.

We made arrangements for Rythmia, a resort-like life advancement center with beautiful grounds and a spa. I knew I wanted to be comfy for my first experience, given the nature of the medicine known for triggering a great “purge.”

Leading up to the trip, you follow a strict “dieta” to purify your body in preparation for the deeper purification. The purge can be much more difficult if you don’t follow the dieta, and really, no one wants to intensify that part.

The Journey

When you arrive at Rythmia in Costa Rica, you’re greeted lovingly with fresh juice at check-in, settle into your room, and enjoy organic farm-to-table meals with your fellow travelers. The first days are filled with medical evaluations, colon cleanses (oy!), educational workshops, journaling, breathwork and yoga.

You’re already in a higher state of being at this point.

The first night of ceremony arrives. You gather at the maloca and claim your personal space for the night — a small mattress, pillow, and bucket just for you! GLAM.

The shamans greet us and guide us through the process. They’ve prepared the brew — a different variation each night. We line up with our cups, they bless each of us individually, and we lie down quietly.

The music begins. Then the purging.

Some people are moaning, some are peaceful, some begin dancing in the dim light...

The Lessons Begin

It took around 30 mins for my first purge. My head hit the pillow and the visuals began immediately. Mesmerizing mandalas, vibrant colors, the feeling of flying through another dimension. Stunning. Then THIS BITCH (me) decided to tell ayahuasca I was unimpressed because I’d seen this much beauty in the “real world.” I felt her laugh. Then she shifted and we got to work…

We started remapping my present with my past self. It was a strange feeling of receiving an error when they attempted to access my history, like they couldn’t trace who I am now with who I was in the past.

I have genuinely felt like I’ve lived multiple lives in one, not to mention the name changes, so there was a realization that I’d been cutting off my past at each new chapter when I no longer wanted to have certain memories or be that version of myself.

Then I was shown how everything I’ve been through has played a pivotal part in building my character, to erase it would eradicate my wholeness. The mission was acceptance.

Lesson 1:
Cutting out your past is like removing a chapter from a novel. There are no “bad” parts, only plot twists, and we can honor them as part of the whole story.

We reconnected my past and moved on…

The Path Forward

After that first lesson was taken to heart, I started becoming aware of a sad older woman calling for me, over and over. She kept reaching for me, trying to pull me into her world. I felt like I knew her from my teen years, or at least her archetype from one of the small town chapters I’d left behind. I felt deeply conflicted, sensing her misery, while knowing it was not mine to take on. I realized in that moment I couldn’t continue on my path if I went back into her world.

The choice to move on became clear and I recognized it as one I’d need to make consciously and repeatedly throughout life in order to realize my potential.

Lesson 2:
You cannot stay with people who are not actively growing with you on your path forward. They will only hold you back.

Everyone has a unique timeline and their reality reflects their choices and perspective. Not everyone will exist in every reality with you, but we can be gentle when our paths cross with fellow travelers and be gracious when it’s time to move on.

Present Tense

When I passed the woman and the “test,” I was swept into my present…

For context, as I was going into the week at Rythmia, it was the first time I’d taken time off since starting my Creative Agency + Airbnb and I was admittedly apprehensive about disconnecting for the week and leaving everything in my team’s hands. Looking back now, it seems silly to be that nervous about tuning out, but at the time, it felt absurd. We were so busy, there were so many deadlines. I was beyond frazzled.

Aya delivered the answer once again. Her voice came through like Jennifer Hudson’s “Louise from St. Louis” in the SATC movie. The perfect executive assistant. She started showing me how everything was setup and in place to support me and offered reassurance that I could just relax into the experience.

Lesson 3:
Sometimes you must disconnect from the material world to reconnect with spirit.

There is infinite knowledge we can access through stillness and I recognized how we must tune out to tune in.

I was shown how we are always supported by the divine, life is always working in our favor, and there are guides giving us gut feelings towards our highest good.

Law of Attraction: Unlocked

What happened next was one of my favorite downloads from the entire experience — I was shown how the Law of Attraction works.

It was shown to me as a database of all people, events, and timelines, with drag-and-drop functionality. When you put a pure desire into the universe, this god force immediately goes to work assembling the sequence of events that must occur in order for you to receive what you desire. The secret is that you must hold your desire long enough for the events to transpire in our space-time physical reality. If you let go or give up on a desire, the database resets.

Lesson 4:
There is a god force at play tending to your heart’s desires. Keep believing to keep receiving.

Avocado Empress

The following ceremony, I went in intentionally with one of the prompts Rythmia recommended: “show me who I’ve become.”

Well well well, as soon as I asked, I was shown…a perfectly ripe avocado. Yes, you read that right. A delicious nutritious alligator pear.

Honestly, it’s my favorite food, so I was flattered. And one in her prime?? An honor.

Life Purpose

The next thing that came through was my life’s purpose. Wild. I’d never been one to get super caught up in needing to discover my purpose as I’d come to believe having the experience of being alive, in and of itself, is enough. So I didn’t ask, but damn, she came through loud and clear with it.

I heard Aya speak to me confidently as the voice of Azrya as if we were on a bluetooth phone call in realtime between realms. She said, “Lyric, I know you want to go explore the cosmos, but your purpose is to stay grounded and bring heaven to earth — you’re here to be a conduit between the earthly and ethereal realms to help others connect with the divine.”

So when I share about my experiences with God and angels and energy and the wonder of it all, it’s in service to my life’s greater purpose. Or so I’ve been told. ;)

Lesson 5:
Your life’s purpose has been designed and assigned as a way for you to connect directly with the divine. Find what lights you up — that’s how you’ll know you’re aligned with it.

Every being has a unique frequency to transmit, attract, and receive. When we live in our purpose, it allows the greatest concentration of universal energy to flow to us and through us. Health thrives, synchronicities sync, joy becomes our currency.

All The Riches

After accepting my mission, I was taken on the most beautiful voyage around the planet. Flying through countries and landscapes. I was shown in great detail, all the plantlife, animals, insects, human characteristics, and abundant natural resources that make this planet so rich…and how they’re often undervalued and overlooked.

I was reminded of the body’s inexplicable design. The mystery of consciousness. There was even a special focus given to the understated miracle of a cut healing.

The confirmation of goodness continued with examples of music, movement, art, tastes, scents, sex, seasons, emotions, the painfully beautiful life cycle from conception to final breath, and of course, love.

There was a recognition of how fortunate we are just to be here and given a lifetime to roll in all the riches all around us. *cue Vanessa Williams

Before the earth odyssey ended, this lesson was drilled into me:

Lesson 6:
If we went to any other planet and saw this many trees or insects or types of fruit or unique faces, we’d be MESMERIZED by it all, yet we often overlook it here. Open your eyes.

I haven’t seen the world the same way since.


My final ceremony revealed to me a vision of the future — a portal to the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. I was shown how a group of our present day lion-hearted leaders joined forces to co-create a vibrant, community-centric village called Utopia.

We held the vision and frequency of what’s possible and pooled our talents, energy, consciousness, and resources to bring it all to life. We focused on raising strong families, nurturing community, cultivating natural resources, developing new methods of holistic education, and creating a society lead by spirit.

The results were unfathomable. A new era of harmony.

When I came out of my dance with aya, I swore it was already real. Maybe it is.

Lesson 7:
A more beautiful world is always possible when we actively add more beauty to the world.


Oh, integration. The most essential piece, and frequently the most challenging.

Integration is when you take the lessons you’ve learned and actually do the work to integrate them into your day-to-day life. It often requires radical mindshifts and discipline to rewire your brain and create new ways of being.

It’s been over 3 years since my aya journey and I’m still finding new depths of integration emerging:

  • Refined intuition & better discernment

  • More comfortable in who I am, as I am

  • Closer to God & continually in awe of life

  • Accepting of change and impermanence: forgiveness when needed, flames when needed

  • Elevated audacity & sweet surrender

In many ways, I have freed myself. I think about the lessons I’ve shared here almost every day and seek the throughlines in how to apply them to various life experiences. I’ve noticed that I see the world and each being with more wonder.

I take more time to worship wildflowers.

What a gift.

Photo by Neil Miles at Everly Landing

The Afterglow

While this was my unique journey, I recognize the great teacher plants may not be for everyone, and I do believe you can use other modalities for awakening. I’ve personally had transcendent experiences through holotropic breathwork, sweat lodges, immersive sound baths, vastness in nature…and orgasms. ;)

So, choose your own adventure! Here are some things for you to explore:

The Reality of Truth / Documentary
Ayahuasca / Aubrey Marcus Documentary
Misc Aya Documentaries

Locations: Soltara / Rythmia / Great Spirit Farm / FieldGuide9


Invitation: We’re considering a group journey for powerful creators & thought leaders — if you’re interested, send me a note and I’ll add you to a waitlist.

To our most high timeline.


Lyric Everly is a creative entrepreneur, Playboy Creator, award-winning cause advocate, and curator of the good light. view my links

Supporting Your Journey


The Good Light On: Purpose-Driven Life Scripting


The Good Light On: 16 Ways to Romanticize Life