The Good Light On: Purpose-Driven Life Scripting

Good heavens on earth, I love Life Scripting.

The way it opens you to possibilities. The clarity of desire. The way things manifest from paper to reality when you find alignment.

Last Monday, during our weekly team call at Everly Agency, we were celebrating an eagerly-awaited win for a client (which is a win for us) when the lead girlie on the account said, “I think it was Life Scripting, Lyric!”

She said the tides turned when she started visualizing and writing down the successful outcome she wanted to create.

I’m so proud. These are tools I would have loved to have learned sooner in life. Now I get to pay them forward.

I’m sharing my Life Scripting method and more below…

What Do You Want??

There were a few pivotal (and uncomfortable) moments in life that came to mind when I was remembering how I landed on Life Scripting.

The first one was around 8 years ago when a gent told me he no longer wanted to date me because I “didn’t dream big enough.” I was embarrassed, then I was offended, then after doing some deep personal development work, I realized he was right. Oof. Life really has a way of humbling you into growth.

Not long after, I enrolled in MITT (Mastery In Transformational Training) and they did one particular exercise that I absolutely loathed at the time. You sat facing another person and they screamed at you “WHAT DO YOU WANT??” over and over and you responded each time with something you deeply desired. I got to about 4 basic things and my mind went blank.

I was so disappointed in myself. Where was my zest for life? How had I gotten so passive?

That experience changed me. I started thinking deeply about what I truly want in my life and started showing up as someone who goes after her dreams.

Later on, I realized it wasn’t that I didn’t have big dreams somewhere inside of me, it was that I lacked clarity, and because I lacked clarity, I lacked the confidence to explore and express them.

This is where Life Scripting comes in…

Life Scripting Method

Life Scripting is a beautiful blend of goal-setting and visualization practices. It involves intentionally crafting a detailed vision of the life you want to live which *amazingly* activates awareness in how to align with it.

This practice integrates mindfulness, imaginative planning, reflective writing, and actionable steps to help you manifest your desires and create a purpose-driven life. You can keep it super short & sweet (~5 mins) or elongate it when you’re in the mood for a more tantric practice.

Here’s my method!

The Preparation:

  1. Identify Core Values: Determine the personal values that are most important to you, such as growth, contribution, freedom, beauty, harmony, and courage. Here’s a free test and why values matter. This will help you determine what you desire most in life.

  2. Define Feelings of Fulfillment: Tune into how you want to FEEL when your visions come to fruition. Contentment? Accomplished? Peaceful? Powerful? Safe? Loving? Fully Alive? Oftentimes, these feelings are what we actually desire to experience, even more than a tangible target.

The Practice:

  1. Meditation & Visualization: Close your eyes. Visualize your ideal life in detail. Imagine yourself living it in alignment with your values and goals.

  2. Engage All Senses: Envision not just what you see, but also what you hear, feel, taste, and enjoy in this ideal scenario.

  3. Describe Your Vision: Write about your ideal life in extreme detail as you visualized it. Write in present tense to make it feel more real and help you align vibrationally with the experience.

    Some thought starters:

    • Where do you live? How does your home feel?

    • How do you spend your time? What are your daily rituals?

    • What are you eating? How do you feel body/mind/spirit?

    • Who are you with? When do you feel the most loved and loving?

Optional Action Steps:

  1. Goal Setting: Outline specific goals that align with your vision. Write down why these goals are important to you.

  2. Create Momentum: Choose an action you can take right away to move towards your goals. These can be practical and manageable steps you can take within 15-30 mins of your practice to stimulate positive motion.

  3. Accountability: add this practice to your calendar or share with a friend to enliven disciplined devotion to your dreams.

Repeat when needed to stay on course.

Present Perfection

While I certainly believe in the beauty of visualization, I also want to recognize the importance of appreciating the present and what is. We can dream about what’s coming, then release it and be here now.

To our most high timeline.


Lyric Everly is a creative entrepreneur, Playboy BUNNY, award-winning cause advocate, and curator of the good light. view my links

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