The Good Light On: Healing from Significant Relationships (Q&A)

Hi angels, I’m sharing my personal story with significant relationships here. You can also skip ahead to 7 Keys to Healing towards the end. XO. —Lyric

In March ‘24, I dropped a rare AMA question box in my stories on IG. While I’ve become a bit more private through the years, I was curious if there would be some patterns in how I could serve and support my circle in this next chapter.

The first two Q’s:

(Noting the sweet compliments, too — I don’t take it lightly that kindness thrives in our circle)

Naturally, the first question out of the gate was on a topic that made me flinch. I’m grateful for it now because I’ve learned that “the obstacle is the way,” so I instantly knew this was the one I needed to explore with you:

Healing after the end of a significant relationship

We’re Going In…

Dark Knights of the Soul

The end of two significant relationships in a row and my father passed between them. It was a dark time.

But like it often does, the pain became a catalyst…

I hurled myself into personal dev, and business, and therapy until three different therapists told me I was ok. But it wasn’t until I talked to two separate friends back-to-back one day and both emphatically said, “Lyric, you’re fine” that I started to shift my perspective.

I hadn’t considered I could be fine after such things. I realized I had to choose to be fine. I had to choose to not be damaged goods in my own mind.

It’s funny how we have to interrupt and redirect our own thought patterns sometimes. I think it’s especially important to be aware of this during healing seasons as we’re often hardest on ourselves.

(I love Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work on reprogramming your subconscious)

7 Keys To Healing

There were many paths explored during my healing journey and I’ve narrowed it down to my top 7 — I hope you’ll find something here that lights your way.

  • Personal Dev

In my personal winter, I was so hungry to evolve and change. I did advanced training at MITT (similar to Landmark or Choice), attended dozens of EQ workshops, went into intense shadow work, consumed all the books and podcasts, worked with coaches and personal trainers, challenged my limiting beliefs, and started showing up as the woman I want to be. I don’t think you ever regret working on yourself, especially going into a new chapter.

  • Actively Build

I took a leap of faith into self-employment and haven’t looked back since. Even if you just start a side-hustle, a creative project, or work on your wellness, I think it’s healthy and helpful to channel your energy into something constructive that builds confidence.

  • Soften into Service

After loss of any kind, I think it’s important to open new channels of love. I remember telling my mom my heart is weary, but my hands are strong. So I cooked and delivered meals, mentored, and organized service days at schools, beaches, animal sanctuaries, and homeless camps. I believe that when you make the life experience softer for someone else, everyone heals.

  • Mindful Practices & Plant Meds

Consistent mindful practices have helped me so much. Prayers, transformational breathwork, and journaling are my personal favorites, but there are many to explore. I’ve also done plant medicine ceremonies that completely shifted my perspective on situations and the world at large. Specifically ayahuasca, psylocibin, sassafras & kava.

If there’s a modality or medicine you’re curious about, contact my Cloudspa and we’ll connect you with an angel guide.

  • Sympathetic Vibrations

This one was a wild card, but I had a strong feeling it was important to add. Sympathetic resonance is when one thing vibrates in response to another. As I was healing, I found it extremely important to be around people who were intentionally harmonious, rather than people who would gladly join me in a state of misery. The trick is that you also need to get yourself into a higher state of being when you’re around the uplifters. Soon you’ll attune. Sound healing can also be helpful here.

  • Appreciate Beauty

Pain can intensify our senses, including our ability to recognize and appreciate beauty. And there’s alchemy in art — you could paint, draw, write, sing, make music, plant a garden, visit art galleries, dance, cook, commune with nature. Just find what feels beautiful and let it move you.

  • Rest

I don’t think it can be emphasized enough how important rest is to the healing process. It can feel better to keep ourselves busy doing, but it’s even more important to just be, even when it’s uncomfortable to sit with your thoughts and emotions. Some days will be better than others. Rest. You cannot pour from an empty cup. Rest. Be gentle with yourself. Rest. You will come back stronger. Rest. Rest. Rest.

We’re all just walking each other home…

If you need more specific recs for anything, reach out. I know many powerful healers and coaches and I’d be happy to connect you.

Building resilience can require embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, cultivating a mindset of adaptability, and nurturing inner-strength. You don’t have to do it alone.

Keep going. You are loved. I hope you feel supported on your healing journey home.

To our most high timeline.



Supporting Your Healing:


The Good Light On: Spirit Animals (and how to connect with yours)


The Good Light On: Nourishing Podcasts We Love